Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

What You Mean?

Do not know what you mean to do all this,
Could not you try tuk think, about what you do.
A silly thing, who do not know what the cause and basically from anywhere.
Just follow the direction of the wind blowing,

pobud follow wherever he had gone.
Only someone who does not know how should he do
Are confused in taking a decision
When trouble comes.
Maybe I'm too stupid, easily
Give credence to it entirely to you.
Now I just realized, after I fooled with all of your deceit

Turns out you're nothing more than Leech Army, or the like

Who let this suck blood until he is full.
After you're satisfied with all that,
You save yourself and go looking for other blood
Fresher than this,

if this is you do not want to be a problem for me,
Want to go some where else,
Because you make me now only as a parasite,
in every breath and step of my life.

Before I want to say once again,
Thank you tuk it all.
May God will reward him.

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